
UMO Helsinki Jazz Orchestra feat. Maxine Troglauer & Ebba Åsman, March 2024


“…geborene Virtuosin, die mühelos das scheinbar Unmögliche möglich macht.” (Süddeutsche Zeitung)

within just three weeks apart, I had the huge pleasure of being featured as a soloist with the UMO HELSINKI JAZZ ORCHESTRA and the Munich Symphonic Orchestra, as well as premiering my new trio at the prestigious Heidelberger Frühling Festival.

combining the worlds of classical, contemporary music and jazz - on the basstrombone!

Take me to the live stream of UMO Helsinki Jazz Orchestra feat. Maxine Troglauer & Ebba Åsman:

©Lukas Diller

Maxine Troglauer

Klassik, Jazz, zeitgenössische Musik – für Maxine Troglauer sind das keine penibel voneinander abzutrennenden Bereiche. Sondern organisch miteinander verbundene Resonanzräume, die der 1995 in Wiesbaden geborenen Bassposaunistin die Möglichkeit zu einem selbstbewussten Dialog mit der Vergangenheit geben. Troglauer denkt nicht in Klischees, sondern erkennt Chancen. Es ist ihr erklärtes Ziel, ihr Instrument aus seiner Nische zu befreien und ihm zu einem eigenen Repertoire zu verhelfen.

Nach einem zweijährigen Masterstudium an der Manhattan School of Music, New York City, lebt sie nun als freischaffende Musikerin in Berlin.

Classical music, jazz, contemporary music - for Maxine Troglauer these are not genres that can be meticulously separated. They are organically interconnected resonance spaces that give the bass trombonist, who was born in Wiesbaden in 1995, the opportunity to engage in a self-confident dialogue with the past. Troglauer does not think in clichés, but recognises possibilities. Her declared aim is to free her instrument from its niche and help it to develop its own repertoire.

After a two-year master's degree at the Manhattan School of Music, New York City, she now lives in Berlin as a freelance musician.

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Maxine is a Lätzsch artist and plays exclusively on lätzsch instruments.

2023 Maxine Troglauer | All Rights Reserved


